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Monday, December 26, 2011

The American Revolution

Question and answer Cards.

What was one major cause of the French and Indian War?
France and Britain both claimed the same land in North America.

What did the British government do to help pay the cost of the french and Indian war?
It passed new tax laws for the colonies.

What does the word "representation mean?"
A voice in one's government.

How did many colonists protest the taxes placed on British goods?
They refused to buy British goods.

How did committees of correspondence help the colonists fight British rule?
The spread information quickly.

When did the British realize that fighting the colonists would not be easy?
After the battle of Bunker Hill.

Why were the battles at Lexington and Concord important?
They marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

What happened on July, 4, 1776, that makes it such an important date in American History?
Congress voted to accept the Declaration of Independence.

What was the first plan of the government for the United states called?
The articles of confederation.

What is the effect that the Articles of Confederation had on the new nation?
The states were held together as a nation during the Revolutionary war.