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Monday, August 8, 2011

Regions of the United States

The United States is divided into five regions.  These regions are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West.  The regions of the United States are grouped by history, traditions, economy, climate, and geography.   Each region is different from one another.  The states in the five regions are all in the same area of the United States.

 Northeastern States activity
The Northeastern region of our country includes Maryland, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Maine. Your grade for this activity will depend on how many projects you complete and the quality of your work.
2 activities = D
3 activities = C
4 activities = B
5 activities = A
Pretend you are a television interviewer. Ask a friend to play the part of an immigrant that has just arrived in the Northeastern states. Interview the immigrant about their journey to America.
Autumn is a time of beautiful color in the Northeast. Write a poem about the many colors of the leaves. Illustrate it.
Find a recipe that is from the Northeastern region. Prepare it for the class. Be sure to copy the recipe neatly.
The Green Mountains of Vermont are well known for their skiing. Pretend you have invented a new snow sport. Describe the rules of the sport. Draw the necessary equipment and uniform.
Pretend you are the captain of a large fishing ship. Make a ship's log with entries for a month.
Draw a map that traces the route of the Appalachian Trail. Label each state. Include a map key.
During the Industrial Revolution, factories were built around waterfalls. Make an architect's drawing of a factory from the mid-1800s. Be sure to tell what you are manufacturing in your factory.
Make a chart listing all of the Northeast states. Include each state's population, capitol, nickname, flower, song, state bird, and state motto. Arrange the states in order from least to greatest population.
The following links will help you find this information:
Substitute the two letter abbreviation of the state you are researching for Maine's abbreviation in the following address:
Sailors often carved small figures out of whalebones. Use a bar of soap to carve a small figure.
Acid rain is damaging many of the trees in the forests of the Northeastern states. Prepare a report that tells the effects of acid rain and what can be done to save the forests.
Factories made textiles faster and cheaper than making fabrics by hand. Make a weaving from cloth or paper.

Southeastern States Activity

The Southeastern region of our country is full of history, resources, and people. These states include Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, anSouthweatern States Activity

The following activities will help you learn about the Southeastern states of our country. You will be given class time to complete some of the activities. The following table will help you calculate your grade.

5 activities
4 activities
3 activities
2 activities

Make a chart showing the population of each of the Southeastern states. Use the computer to convert your chart to two different types of graphs. Look at the information on the United States Census Bureau Homepage for help.
Make a chart that lists the following information for each of the Southeastern states:
Capitol, flower, bird, motto, important crops, state song, and state nickname.
The following links will help you find this information:
The Internet Public Library
Substitute the two letter abbreviation of the state you are researching for Tennessee's abbreviation in the following address:
Research Stone Mountain, GA. Whose faces are on the mountain? If you could add two people to the monument, who would you add? Write a paragraph giving your reasons.
Make a recipe that features a crop grown in a Southeastern state. Copy the recipe neatly. Bring it to class along with your dish to share. Don't forget utensils!
Make a copy of one of the Southeastern state flags. You may only use paper and glue.
Make a model of the airplane the Wright Brothers flew at Kitty Hawk, NC.
Make a model of an antebellum mansion.
Make a list of the pros and cons of tobacco usage and the economic benefits of growing tobacco.
There are many beaches along the coastal Southeastern states. Imagine that you are building a vacation resort especially for children. Design a brochure to advertise your vacation spot. You may use the computer to design your advertisement.
Make a model of a steamwheeler riverboat.
Write a haiku about one of the Southeastern states. Illustrate your poem.

 Western States Activity

The Western states are made up of two groups of states. The Mountain states include Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and Idaho. The Pacific states are California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and Alaska.

Your grade for this activity will be based on the number of tasks you complete, as well as the quality of your work.
5 activities = A
4 activities = B
3 activities = C
2 activities = D

Find out the size of each of the Western states. Organize the information in a chart. Use the computer to convert the information into two different types of graphs.

Make a poster of the different crops of the Western states.

The Western states have a wide variety of geographic features. See how many of these features you can find. Make up a way to organize what you learned to share with the class.

Make a cake in the shape of one of the Western states! Use icing to decorate it with landforms, rivers, and other geographical features.

The Western states contain both tropical and temperate rain forests. Write a description of both.

Research the path of a tree from the forest to a sawmill. Draw a flow chart that shows the steps in order.

California and Utah manufacture many computers and computer parts. Invent a new computer game that will teach your classmates facts about the Western states. You make a real model or sketch it on paper. Write a description and include samples of questions from the game.

Lights, camera, action! Produce a film about the many features of the Western states. Show it to the class.

Prepare a special Hawaiian dish to share with your classmates. Copy the recipe in your best handwriting.

Use the Internet or other reference book to look up Hawaiian words. Make a list of as many as you can find. Include the meanings.

Design a school uniform to keep you warm in Alaska. Draw the clothes, including a description of the fabrics and why you chose them.

Design a theme park based on the Gold Rush in California. Draw a map of the attractions. Describe each.

Middle Western  States Activity

The Middle Western States are divided into the Great Lakes states and the Plains states. The Great Lakes states are Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois. The Plains states are Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and North Dakota.
Your grade will depend on the number of activities you do and the quality of your work.
2 activities = D
3 activities = C
4 activities = B
5 activities = A
Wheat is the most important crop of the Middle Western states. Make a recipe that includes wheat or one of its by-products. Copy your recipe neatly and bring it to class to share.
There are many steel mills in the Middle Western states. Make a poster that shows products made from steel.
The Great Lakes are an important natural resource. Make a chart that shows how the Great Lakes are important.
Use an almanac or the Internet to determine the major crops of the Middle Western states. Compile your information in a chart.
Make a relief map of the Middle Western states. You may use clay, salt maps, or another material.
Invent your own breakfast cereal using wheat or corn. Design the package and advertisements you will use to sell your product.
Abraham Lincoln was from the Middle West. Make a model of either Abe or his log cabin.
Several Native American tribes made their home in the Middle West. Research one of these tribes. Dress a doll in the native costume of the tribe.
Write your own Native American tale that tells why clouds make rain or explains some other weather story.
Make a flow chart that traces the path of all the stages a seed goes through to find its way onto your breakfast table.

Southwestern States Activity

The Southwest region is made up of four states: Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma. Your grade for this activity will be based on the number of activities and the quality of your work.
2 activities = D
3 activities = C
4 activities = B
5 activities = A
Make a collage showing the various environments of the Southwestern states.
Imagine that you are taking a river rafting trip in the Grand Canyon. Write a letter to a friend describing your adventure.
Research the Dust Bowl, an area of drought in the 1930s. Write a report of life during the Dust Bowl. The following links will help you: http://drylands.nasm.edu:1995/dust.html http://www.usd.edu/anth/epa/dust.html
Make a poster showing the natural resources of the Southwestern states.
Pattillo Higgins discovered oil in Beaumont, Texas. Interview a friend who is pretending to be Higgins. Tape record or video the interview. The following links will help you: http://hal.lamar.edu/~energymuseum/collections.htm http://www.thehistorynet.com/picture/0110.htm http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/HH/fhi7.html
Make a commercial for television advertising one of the National Parks in the Southwestern states. Perform it for the class.
The Navajo Indians lived in the Southwest. They used wool to weave beautiful blankets and rugs. Use construction paper or fabric scraps to make o small blanket or rug.
Make a model of one of the shelters used by the Native American tribes that lived in the Southwest.
The Navajo write many beautiful songs and poems praising nature. Write a poem about something in nature that is found in the Southwest.
Some Navajo children live and attend school on a reservation. Find out what life is like on a reservation. Write a report to share with the class. The site on Tuba City might help you.
Make a board game that will teach your classmates information about the Southwestern states.
Find the words and tune to a song cowboys sang on the range. Make up your own verse for the song.

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